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The Ghostly Homework Helpers

The Ghostly Homework Helpers

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get help with your homework from...a ghost?

Noah loved animals and birds, and he was super fast, just like a cheetah! He was a little bit shy, but he loved to learn. One day, Noah was thinking about his homework. It was about the planets, and he had to draw all the different colors he thought aliens might be! Noah decided to ask his Grandpa for help. Grandpa was forty-nine years old and very smart. He knew almost everything about pirates.

"Grandpa," Noah asked, "do you think aliens need to do homework?"

Grandpa chuckled. "Well, Noah," he said, "I bet even aliens have to learn!"

Just then, a funny sound buzzed around the room. It sounded like...singing? And giggling?

"What was that?" Noah whispered, his eyes wide.

Grandpa put his finger to his lips. "Let's follow it," he whispered back.

The sound led them to the attic door. It was always locked, but this time, it creaked open all by itself! Inside, the attic was glowing with a strange light. In the center of the room was a swirling, colorful cloud. As they got closer, the cloud began to form shapes - a bouncy green blob with one eye, a twirling purple star with a giggle, and a fuzzy blue creature with ten tiny arms!

"Wow!" Noah gasped. "Are you...aliens?"

The creatures bobbed and spun. The green blob made a squeaky sound that sounded like, "Yes! We come from Enchanted Castle!"

The purple star giggled and pointed a sparkly point at Noah's homework.

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It turned out that the aliens were terrible at Earthling homework! They needed Noah's help to understand it. The blue creature waved its ten tiny arms and opened a shimmering portal. On the other side, Noah and Grandpa saw a beautiful castle made of shimmering stones, with towers that touched the clouds. It was Enchanted Castle!

Noah and Grandpa stepped through the portal and gasped. The castle was even more beautiful up close. It shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow.

"We need to learn about planets and colors for the Grand Cosmic Contest!" squeaked the green blob, bouncing excitedly.

Noah smiled. "I can help you with that! I'm learning about planets in school."

So, right there in the middle of the Enchanted Castle, surrounded by giggling stars and fuzzy creatures, Noah taught the aliens all about Earth and the solar system. He used his brightest crayons to color in pictures of red Mars, blue and green Earth, and giant, stripy Jupiter. The aliens were amazed by his knowledge.

"You are a very good teacher, Noah!" said the purple star, giving him a high five with her sparkly point.

The blue alien, who was apparently the castle chef, brought out a delicious feast of rainbow cookies and star-shaped sandwiches. Noah and Grandpa had never tasted anything so yummy!

After their snack, it was time for Noah and Grandpa to go home. The aliens were sad to see them go, but they promised to visit again soon. The swirling cloud reappeared, and in a flash of light, they were back in the attic.

The attic door closed gently behind them.

"Wow," Noah said. "That was amazing!"

"I told you aliens had homework too," Grandpa chuckled.

From that day on, Noah never minded doing his homework. After all, he knew that somewhere out there, in a castle made of shimmering stone, a group of colorful aliens might be learning from him!

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