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The Great Dragon Sports Day!

The Great Dragon Sports Day!

"Jacob, wouldn't it be amazing to play games with a real dragon?" Noah asked his fluffy dog, who wagged his tail excitedly. "I heard that a magical dragon lives on top of the Erupting Volcano, and he loves sports!"

Now, Noah, a shy but bright five-year-old, loved animals, especially birds, almost as much as he loved sports. He dreamt of playing tag with cheetahs, their speed matching his own secret superpower.

That afternoon, Noah snuck away to his secret hideout - the library! He grabbed a book about volcanoes and flipped through its colorful pages until he found it - the Erupting Volcano! The book said it was far, far away, but Noah had a plan.

He whispered to Jacob, "Hold on tight!" He held onto Jacob's soft fur and *zoom*, they were gone! Noah's super speed got them to the bottom of the Erupting Volcano in a flash.

The volcano was huge! Red-hot lava flowed down its sides, but it didn't feel hot to Noah. It felt exciting! As they climbed, they saw sparkling waterfalls that turned into cool mists and giant rocks that looked like melted chocolate.

Finally, they reached the top. There, in a nest of gold and jewels, sat a magnificent dragon! He had emerald green scales, ruby red eyes, and wings as big as sails! Smoke puffed from his nostrils as he snored.

"Excuse me, Mr. Dragon?" Noah squeaked.

The dragon's eyes snapped open. "Well, hello there, little one! Haven't had visitors in ages! What brings you to my humble volcano?"

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"We heard you love sports, sir," Noah said, puffing out his chest. "And we were hoping… maybe… you'd play with us?"

The dragon chuckled, a sound like rumbling thunder. "Sports, you say? Well, I do love a good game! What did you have in mind?"

And so began the Great Dragon Sports Day! Noah and the dragon raced, with Noah zooming across the sky thanks to the dragon's magic. They played a fiery version of basketball, using a glowing rock and a hoop made of clouds. Jacob even joined in, catching the fiery rock with his mouth (don't worry, the dragon's fire was special, it didn't burn!).

They played until the moon replaced the sun, laughing and having the best time. Noah learned that the dragon felt lonely sometimes, and playing sports made him feel happy and strong, just like it did for Noah.

"Thank you," the dragon said, his voice softer than Noah expected. "Playing with you has been more fun than hoarding gold!" He winked, and a small chest of sparkling jewels appeared. "A little something to remember this day."

Noah gasped. "It's beautiful, but I can't take this!"

The dragon chuckled. "Of course you can! Now, off you go! Your friend looks sleepy."

And he was right! Jacob was already snoring softly. Noah gave the dragon a big hug and used his super speed to zoom back home.

Back in his room, Noah snuggled into bed, his pockets heavier with the dragon's gift. He knew he would never forget his day of sports and laughter with the loneliest dragon in the world.

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