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The Magic Chores of Backyard

The Magic Chores of Backyard

William tossed his ball high in the air, but it bounced off a fluffy white cloud and landed right back in his hands! "Whoa!" he giggled. Lily, his fluffy pet bunny, wiggled her nose. "Lily, do you think chores could be magic?" he whispered.

Just then, a tiny voice squeaked, "They can be with a little help from me!" A sparkly fairy, no bigger than William's thumb, zipped out from behind a sunflower in their backyard. "I'm Flora, and I heard you talking about chores! I love making them fun."

William's eyes widened. "Really? But chores aren't fun. Mommy says I need to put my toys away and help water the plants."

Flora giggled, "Not today! I brought my magic wand." She twirled her wand, and suddenly, the watering can sprouted wings and a happy face! "Fly, my little friend, and water those thirsty flowers!"

The watering can soared through the air, sprinkling water on the flowers. William and Lily chased after it, giggling. "This is amazing!" William shouted.

Next, Flora pointed her wand at the toy box. It transformed into a giant, friendly monster with a wide-open mouth! "Toss your toys in, quick!" Flora instructed.

William laughed, scooping up his toys and tossing them into the monster's mouth. "One, two, three!" He even used his super strength to lift a heavy toy truck! The monster burped out bubbles when the box was full.

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Lily hopped around excitedly, her nose twitching. "My turn! My turn!" she squeaked.

"What chores do bunnies do?" William wondered.

Flora smiled. "Bunnies love to help tidy up!" She tapped Lily with her wand, and Lily's fur shimmered. Suddenly, Lily could pick up toys with her teeth and toss them into the toy monster!

William and Lily finished all their chores in record time, laughing and playing the whole time. The backyard felt magical.

As the sun began to set, Flora announced, "It's time for me to sprinkle a little magic somewhere else!"

"Will you come back tomorrow?" William asked, hugging Lily.

Flora winked. "Maybe, if you keep believing in the magic of chores!"

William and Lily raced inside, eager to tell their parents all about the magical fairy and the fun they had doing chores. From that day on, William and Lily always looked for the magic in everyday things, knowing that even chores could be an adventure with a little imagination.

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