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The Ugly Duckling with James

The Ugly Duckling with James

It was summer! The sun was so bright, it was like a big, yellow smile in the sky. Everything was green and blooming, like a giant, happy garden. James loved summer! He loved the warm air and the long, sunny days.

James had just moved to a farm with his family. Their old house in Philadelphia was nice, but they wanted to be closer to nature. James loved the farm! There were so many cool things to explore, like the beautiful, peaceful stream and the lake where James could swim.

The farm was filled with animals! There were cows mooing, pigs snorting, and horses galloping. James was always fascinated by the storks. They had such long legs! They walked so gracefully, like they were dancing. James tried to imitate them, but he was a little shy.

One day, James was playing with some baby ducks in the lake when he saw something special. A mother duck was sitting on a nest of eggs! The eggs started to crack, and out popped tiny ducklings! It was a magical moment! But there was one egg left, the biggest one. It didn't crack. The mother duck seemed worried, but she kept sitting on it.

A few days later, James went back to the lake. The mother duck was gone. The big egg had cracked, and there was a new baby duck. But this duck was different! It was bigger than the other ducklings and had feathers that were a different color. Its beak was different too, and it didn't walk like the other ducks. It looked sad.

James loved animals. He went to talk to the new duckling. "Why are you sad?" James asked. "There's a whole farm and a beautiful garden to explore!"

The duckling looked down. "I'm sad because I'm different from my brothers and sisters," he said. "The other ducks laugh at me and make me feel bad."

"Don't worry," James said. "We'll be your friends! Come play with us tomorrow!" James told the duckling about his secret hideout, the Library. It was a quiet place, a safe place to play.

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The next day, James went back to the lake. But the duckling was gone. James was sad. The duckling must have been too sad and decided to leave.

It was a long journey for the little duckling. He traveled all over the farm, trying to find other ducks who wouldn't laugh at him. But it was hard. The other ducks made fun of him wherever he went. He only felt welcome in nature.

James played by the lake every day, but he never saw his duckling friend again. He missed him. James loved to sleep, so he spent lots of time taking naps in the sunshine.

Then spring arrived! The duckling loved spring just as James loved summer! He had been traveling for a long time, but he was tired and hungry. He finally found his way back to the lake where he was born. He was scared to go near the other ducks. He didn't want them to laugh at him again.

But when he reached the lake, he saw his reflection in the water. It was like a mirror! He wasn't an ugly duckling anymore. He was a beautiful swan! That's why everyone thought he was so strange!

That same day, James went to play in the lake. He saw his friend! He was so surprised! His friend was no longer a duckling. He was a beautiful swan! James was a little shy, but he was so excited. They played together joyfully in the lake.

James and the swan understood something important. Being different wasn't wrong. It was just being who you are. Being different is being special, and everyone is special!

And isn't being different just being who we are?

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