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The Unicorns in the Backyard

The Unicorns in the Backyard

"A unicorn picnic! In our backyard?" Jackson exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise. Lily, his trusty snail, inched closer, her shell bumping gently against his leg. "Are you sure, Jackson?" she asked, her voice a low, gurgling sound.

Jackson nodded, his robot arms whirring softly as he pointed to the colorful note flapping in the breeze. "Look! It says, 'Dear Jackson, please join us for a picnic in your backyard. Love, the Unicorns.'"

Jackson was a brave boy, always ready for an adventure, especially if it involved dragons. But unicorns having a picnic in his backyard? That was a new one! Still, Jackson believed in being responsible, and if unicorns needed a picnic spot, who was he to say no?

He grabbed a checkered blanket and a basket filled with his favorite snacks—dragonfruit slices and peanut butter crackers. Lily, a snail of simple pleasures, just wanted extra lettuce. "Ready when you are, Jackson!" she chirped, leaving a glistening trail on the grass as they walked towards the backyard.

The backyard was Jackson's favorite place. It was a jungle of green vines, colorful flowers, and buzzing bees. Today, it was even more magical. Three unicorns, their coats sparkling like freshly fallen snow, and their spiral horns gleaming like rainbows, stood munching on dandelions.

"Hello!" Jackson called out, a little shy at first.

The unicorns turned, their eyes big and curious. "You must be Jackson!" one of them neighed. "We're so glad you could join us."

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Soon, Jackson and Lily were sitting amongst the unicorns, sharing stories and laughter. The unicorns loved Jackson's robot arms. They'd never seen anything like them! They said his arms showed how responsible and helpful he was. Lily, being a snail, was a big hit with her slow, deliberate movements. "So graceful," the unicorns whispered.

"Why did you choose our backyard for your picnic?" Jackson asked between bites of his dragonfruit.

"We heard it's the most magical place in San Jose," a unicorn with a silver horn explained. "A place where imagination runs wild."

"And you can find the tastiest dandelions!" another unicorn chimed in, munching happily.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, the unicorns knew it was time to go. "Thank you for sharing your backyard with us, Jackson," the unicorn with the silver horn said. "You're a kind and responsible boy."

They each touched their horns to Jackson's forehead, leaving a sprinkle of shimmering dust. Then, with a flick of their tails, they were gone.

Jackson and Lily watched them go, a little sad the picnic was over but happy for the magical experience.

"You know, Lily," Jackson said, gazing at the spot where the unicorns had stood, "being responsible isn't just about doing your chores. It's also about being kind and sharing what you have, even if it's your backyard with magical unicorns."

Lily, munching on a leftover lettuce leaf, blinked slowly in agreement. Even a silly snail like Lily knew that was a lesson worth remembering.

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