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The Witch's Playground

The Witch's Playground

One day, Sophia was playing with her toy doctor's kit in the living room when something magical happened! Her toy stethoscope started glowing, and it floated right out of her hand!

"Wow!" Sophia giggled. She followed the glowing stethoscope as it zoomed out the front door and down the street.

"Sophia, wait!" Her mom, who was drawing a picture of a sparkly rainbow, hurried after her.

The stethoscope led them to the park, but something was different. The swings were made of candy canes, the slide was a giant, twisty lollipop, and the sandbox was filled with jellybeans!

"Look, Mom, it's a magic playground!" Sophia squealed with delight.

Suddenly, a friendly witch with a purple pointed hat and a mischievous grin popped out from behind a tree.

"Welcome to my playground! It's full of resilience!" she chuckled.

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Sophia was a little bit scared, but mostly curious. "What's resilience?" she asked.

The witch winked. "Resilience is like a superpower! It means you're brave and strong, even when things get tough. You keep going, just like when you fall down but get right back up!"

Sophia smiled. She knew all about falling down and getting back up!

The witch then took them on a wild ride through the playground. They zoomed down the lollipop slide, so fast that their hair flew in the wind. They swung so high on the candy cane swings that they almost touched the clouds. And they built a giant jellybean castle in the sandbox.

"Resilience is important, little one," the witch said, handing Sophia a jellybean. "It helps you learn and grow. Remember that."

Sophia hugged the witch goodbye and turned to her mom. "Mom, I want to be resilient like the witch!"

Mom smiled. "You already are, Sophia! Remember when you fell off your bike but then got right back on? That was resilience!"

Sophia thought about it. Mom was right! She was resilient!

As they walked back home, Sophia decided that even though the magic playground was gone, she could still be resilient every day. She would be brave, strong, and never give up! And maybe, just maybe, she would see the friendly witch again sometime.

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