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William and the Sandcastle Homework

William and the Sandcastle Homework

William looked at his homework. "Draw a picture," it said, "of your favorite thing to do at the beach!" William loved the beach, but he'd never been! "Mom," he said, "Can we go to the beach? I have to draw a picture of it!"

Mom smiled. "Of course, sweetie!" she said. "Let's pack a picnic and go!"

William was so excited. He packed his favorite red shovel and blue bucket. He even packed a snack for Jacob, his pet goldfish. Jacob was 54 years old and loved fishy crackers!

When they got to the beach, William gasped. The sand was white and sparkly. The water was blue and shimmery. Best of all? Palm trees swayed in the breeze, making the air smell like coconuts.

"Wow!" William said, "This is amazing!"

Mom spread out a blanket, and William ran towards the water, Jacob's bowl in his hand. "Look, Jacob!" he said, "It's the beach!" Jacob swam in circles, as excited as William.

Suddenly, William saw something amazing. A little, fluffy white cat strutted by, leaving tiny paw prints in the sand. "Hi, kitty!" William said, but the cat just flicked its tail and kept walking.

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William decided to build a sandcastle. He used his shovel to pile up the sand, making tall towers and a big, strong wall. He wished he had his monster truck; it would look awesome cruising around the sandcastle!

The little white cat walked by again, stopping to watch William. It rubbed against his leg, purring.

"Do you like my sandcastle?" William asked the cat. The cat meowed and rubbed its head on the sandcastle, leaving a little bit of white fur on the wall.

William giggled. Then he had an idea! He carefully picked up the cat and set it gently inside the sandcastle walls. "Now you have a castle, kitty!" he said.

The cat purred and curled up in the sand, looking like a fluffy white cloud. William smiled. He knew just what to draw for his homework!

When it was time to go, William gave the cat a gentle pet goodbye. "See you later, kitty!" he said.

Back home, William got out his crayons. He drew the blue water, the white sand, the tall palm trees, and his big, strong sandcastle. And in the middle of the sandcastle? A fluffy white cat, taking a nap.

"Perfect!" William said. He knew his homework would get an A+!

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