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The Spooky Book of the Beach

The Spooky Book of the Beach

"Mom, do you think witches like to read?" William looked up from his pile of books, his brow furrowed in thought.

Mom chuckled, "Well, I think even witches enjoy a good story! Why do you ask, sweetie?"

William, with his trusty dinosaur toy tucked under one arm, explained, "I found this spooky book about a witch at the beach! A beach, Mom! Can you believe it?"

Mom, always eager for an adventure, especially one involving stories, smiled. "A witch at the beach? Now that's something we need to read more about! Let's pack our beach bag and head there right this minute!"

Soon, they were cruising towards the beach, the sun warm on their faces. William, with his super strength, easily helped Mom unload the car. He imagined the witch building sandcastles with her magic wand, maybe even conjuring up a friendly sea monster or two.

As they spread their blanket on the soft sand, William noticed something sparkly half-buried nearby. It was a book, just like the one in his story! He brushed off the sand excitedly. The cover was cool and smooth, with a shimmering seashell design.

"Mom, look!" William exclaimed, his eyes wide. "It's the spooky witch book!"

Mom carefully took the book. "Wow, William! This is quite a find!" She opened it, and the pages rustled like the ocean waves. The words were a little big for William to read on his own, so Mom started to read aloud.

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The story told of a friendly witch named Coral who lived on a magical beach. Coral loved to read! She had a whole cave filled with books about seashells, stars, and even how to talk to dolphins.

"See," whispered William to his dinosaur, "I told you witches like to read!"

The story continued, explaining how Coral used her magic to share her love of reading with everyone who visited her beach. She could make words float in the air like bubbles and stories appear in the sky like shooting stars.

Suddenly, William felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw a little girl with sparkling blue eyes and a mischievous grin.

"Hi, I'm Lily," she whispered. "Did you know Coral is real?"

William gasped. "Really? But how?"

Lily giggled and pointed to a small, colorful hut nestled amongst the dunes. "That's her house. She loves meeting new friends, especially those who like spooky stories!"

William looked at Mom, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Mom smiled and nodded.

Holding his dinosaur tight, William followed Lily towards the hut. He couldn't wait to meet a real-life witch and maybe even borrow a book or two from her magical library!

As they walked, William realized that reading really could take you on the most amazing adventures, even to a magical beach to meet a book-loving witch! He couldn't wait to see what other spooky stories he could find.

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