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David's Moon Games

David's Moon Games

David was bouncing a basketball in his room, dreaming of one day dunking like his favorite player. He wished he could practice all day, but his dad was calling him to go outside. “David, come look what I found in the backyard! I think we’ve got visitors!” Dad called.

David ran outside, dribbling the basketball. "What is it, Dad? Did you find another bird nest?" he asked. Instead of a bird nest, David saw something amazing: a shimmering portal of light, right there in the backyard! The basketball slipped from David's hands and bounced into the portal with a sproing!

“Whoa!” shouted David and his dad at the same time. They cautiously peered into the portal. It looked like a giant, sparkly soap bubble.

“Do you think it’s safe?” David asked.

Dad shrugged. “Only one way to find out.” He gently nudged David forward. With a little “pop”, they were sucked through the portal, landing with a bounce on the other side!

David looked around. “Everything’s floating!” he cried, giggling as he bounced into the air. “We’re on the moon, Dad! I can see Earth from here!”

Dad was busy chasing his hat, which was floating away like a runaway balloon. “The moon! Who knew?” he said, grabbing his hat and tucking it safely into his pocket.

Suddenly, a tiny voice squeaked, “Welcome to the Moon Games!”

David and his dad whirled around to see a group of little people with shimmering wings fluttering around them. They were fairies! “We’ve been expecting you,” one fairy chirped. She held up David’s basketball. “Looks like you brought the game ball!”

"The Moon Games?” David asked. “What’s that?”

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“Only the most fun you can have in zero gravity!” the fairy said with a giggle. “We have moon-ball, crater hopscotch, and the comet toss!”

David was beyond excited. This was even better than practicing at home! The fairies led David and his dad to a giant crater filled with bouncy, colorful equipment.

“First up, moon-ball!” a fairy announced. It was like basketball, but with no gravity, everyone was dunking! David even did a triple flip before making a basket, which made the fairies erupt in cheers.

Next was crater hopscotch. David hopped across giant craters, each jump sending him soaring through the air. It felt like flying! Dad was pretty good at it too, even with his hat still stuffed in his pocket.

Finally, it was time for the comet toss. The fairies explained that players had to throw star-shaped beanbags into a basket that was constantly moving, just like a real comet. David and his dad teamed up, tossing beanbags back and forth and then throwing them towards the basket. They were having so much fun that they didn’t even realize they were winning!

The moon was a magical place to play sports! David was having the best day ever, playing with fairies and his dad under the stars. He knew he would never forget this amazing adventure!

Eventually, though, it was time to go. The fairies gathered around to say goodbye.

“The portal will stay open for a little while longer,” said the head fairy. “Come back anytime for more Moon Games!”

David and his dad waved goodbye and stepped back through the portal, landing with a soft thump back in their backyard.

“Wow,” David said, “that was incredible!”

“You know,” said Dad, pulling his hat out of his pocket and placing it back on his head, “maybe practicing outside isn't so bad after all."

David grinned. He had a feeling his backyard would never seem ordinary again. After all, he knew the way back to the Moon Games – and now, so did his dad!

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