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Jackson and the Giggly Dragon

Jackson and the Giggly Dragon

"Look what I found!" Jackson called from the backyard in Seattle. He held up a shiny, blue button. It was bigger than a cookie and sparkled in the sun.

Yuna, Jackson's fluffy dog, trotted over. Yuna was 54 in dog years, but she still loved to play. "What a beautiful button, Jackson! What are you going to do with it?"

Jackson, with his big heart and even bigger imagination, smiled. "It's magic! I just know it! Maybe it will take me to a dragon!" Jackson loved dragons. He loved their colorful scales and fiery breath. He even pretended his toy robot arms were like a dragon's claws.

He squeezed the button tight. Nothing happened. "Hmmm," he said.

Suddenly, the button started to vibrate. Jackson and Yuna gasped as a swirling blue light shot out from the button and swirled around them. The light tickled Jackson's nose, and he giggled. When the light faded, there, in the middle of the backyard, was a little, bright-green dragon!

The dragon was no bigger than Jackson's toy box. It had sparkly purple wings and a long tail with a bright-yellow tip. But the funniest thing about this dragon was its laugh. It sounded like someone was shaking a jar full of jelly beans!

“Why are you laughing?” Jackson asked, his eyes wide with surprise.

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The little dragon giggled and giggled. "Because I'm ticklish! The magic button tickled me all the way here!"

Yuna wagged her tail. "Well, we're so happy you're here! We love to laugh!"

Jackson felt a warm feeling in his chest. It felt good to make someone happy. "What's your name?" he asked.

The dragon giggled again. "I'm Giggles, of course!"

Jackson, Yuna, and Giggles played all afternoon. They built a pillow fort, and Giggles used his tiny flames to make popcorn. They told jokes, and Giggles laughed so hard, he rolled around on the grass holding his belly!

As the sun began to set, Giggles looked sad. "I have to go back to my own world now," he said. "But thank you for playing with me! I haven't laughed this much in ages!"

"We had fun too, Giggles," said Jackson. He realized something important. It felt good to be grateful for friends, even if they were little, giggly dragons!

Giggles hugged them both with his tail. Then, with a puff of sparkly smoke, he disappeared. The only thing left was the shiny blue button.

Jackson picked it up and smiled. He felt grateful for the day's adventures and for his new friend. He knew he would never forget the day he met a dragon in his own backyard! And he knew, deep down, that he would see Giggles again. He just had to find something else to tickle him with!

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